So here are some wonderful quotes that Makena said while we were in California:
Picture this: 9:30ish PM after spending the day at Disneyland and just finishing watching the fireworks:
"Mommy, the boy who made up this place - really truly gave it all of his heart" (I have her saying this on video once--- i'll post it later)
"Mommy I'm so happy right now, (with glistening eyes) I almost had happy tears. The boy who made this REALLY gave it all his heart"
(referencing Walt Disney creating the idea of Disneyland) and yes at that moment if she wanted something I TOTALLY would've given her anything. jk... but just hearing that made the entire trip just that much better than it already was.
"Mommy- thank you soooo- much for bringing me here, this was the most magical time!"
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh-- I almost got hit by a rogue wave!!!!"
I didn't realize that the rogue waves from the Deadliest Catch were common on Laguna Beach---- but apparently the day that we were there.... they were :)
Something she said before California but I want to document:
While leaving a message for her Dad or Gram on voicemail:
"I just went to swim lessons and I dived (yes dived) in. I did so good, I was BRILLIANT" :)