Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Disneyland Countdown

Only a couple days (Thursday) till we're on a plane and Kena and I are taking our first trip together all by ourselves!!! I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. I FINALLY made our hotel reservations and car rental. Huntington Beach here we come!! I'm taking her to the Walk of the Stars also! We're going to have such a blast :)


Anjie said...

Reading your entry totally gave me a flashback. My mom & I took the same trip at about the same ages! We had so much fun, neither of us will ever forget that trip. With that said, I know you two will have a B*L*A*S*T :-D

Anjie said...

Reading your entry totally gave me a flashback! My mom & I took the same trip, at around the same ages that you both are now!! We had so much fun, it's certainly a trip neither of us will ever forget! With that said, I'm sure the two of you will have a B*L*A*S*T :-D Can't wait to see the pictures!